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Install instructions

Download the MSI file and copy it to the Add-In area of your home server (e.g. something like \\homeserver\software\add-ins).

Open the Windows Home Server Console, go to settings and Add-Ins and install the Jungle Disk WHS Addin from the "Available" tab.

After installation you will need to configure the add-in by telling it the path to the JungleDiskMonitor.exe file. This is done through the settings menu.


Click here to download


This Add-In is available free of charge, for all users (private, organizations and companies). You can copy and share the Add-In (in MSI form) for free. The only restriction is that you cannot sell or otherwise charge for the product.


Any use of this software is on your own risk. We take no responsibility for any problems, data loss, hair loss or otherwise that you might experience.